MECA Online Registration

New! Sign Up for MECA Membership Online Today!

Please select one membership type below

Active Membership may be taken by (Active Electrical Contractor Business Owners):

A person, firm or corporation holding a “Certificate A” and being actively engaged in electrical contracting firm as his or its principal business for a period of at least six (6) months. An Active member, firm or corporation shall certify for the proper protection of his employees and the public is in force.

Associate Membership may be taken by:

a) Persons holding a “Certificate A” who have previously held Active membership in MECA and are no longer engaged in the electrical contracting business;
b) Partners or officers of existing Active member companies or corporations;
c) Electrical Inspectors who are holders of a “Certificate A”.

Cooperating Membership may be taken by (Vendors, Manufacturers):

a) Any person, firm or corporation maintaining a business associated with the electrical industry. Each Cooperating Member, firm or corporation shall certify to the State Office and Chapter Secretary, a member or officer to be his or its representative in MECA. Said Cooperating Member may designate an Associate Cooperating Member or Members, and shall certify this to the State Office and Chapter Secretary.
b) Any person, firm or cooperation holding a “Certificate C” and being actively engaged in systems contracting as defined by the laws, requirements and privileges governing the insurance of said “Certificate C” as his or its principal business for a period of at least six (6) months. A Cooperating member, firm or corporation insurance and such other insurance as may be necessary for the proper protection of his employees and the public is in force.
c) Any person holding a “Certificate A” who is not engaged in electrical contracting as his principal business but whose employment by a person, firm or corporation is associated with the electrical industry.
d) Any person holding a “Certificate B” and being actively engaged in electrical contracting as his principal business for a period of at least six (6) months. A Cooperating Member holding a “Certificate B” shall certify that Workers Compensation, Public Liability insurance, and such other insurance as may benecessary for the proper protection of an employee and the public is in force.